ODIASP project

Logo designed for the ODIASP project, led by Dr Cecile Betry, hosted by Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Grenoble Alpes (CHUGA). ODIASP is a medical research software that aims to optimize the diagnosis of sarcopenia by using AI algorithms to determine the muscle surface from computed tomography images. The three “dot” of the logo illustrate the lumbar vertebra. In red is represented the mid third lumbar vertebra, which is the reference point used for cross-sectional muscle area measurement using CT images. The dot also represent the concept of unity and target of the “4P” medicine (Personalised, preventive, predictive, participatory). The graphical interface was also designed for ODIASP software. You can see five screens using the colors, logo, labels corresponding to the graphical charter. The interface design system has been created using the “atomic design” methodology

Link for ODIASP website: odiasp.timc.fr

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